Vista vs. Mac OS X

Filed Under (Apple, Ostalo, Računalništvo) by MR Foto on 03-02-2007

Microsoft NI ukradel idej Applu!!! Tisti, ki mislite, da je Vista čista kopija Mac OS X se močno motite. Zakaj? Oglejte si spodnji filmček, ki trditve podkrepi s primeri.

Citat Stevea Jobsa:”Microsoft spends a great deal of money on research and development and frankly all they can do is come up with devices/ideas already on market or in development”. Jap, Microsoft je dobra firma, ki pa ji manjka bistvo – lastne ideje.Update:
Še filmček z Applove prezentacije.

Najbolj ga seka citat na koncu: “Our friends up North spend over 5 billion dollars per year on R&D (Raziskovanje in Razvoj) and yet these days all they seem to be able to do is try copy Google and Apple”


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