Zastonj USB ključ

Filed Under (Računalništvo) by MR Foto on 03-03-2006

Microsoft nam ponuja zastonj USB ključ. Če pride ali ne, bomo videli, splača se poskusiti. Če ga želiš moraš izpolniti formo s svojimi podatki. Do nje pridete tako, da kliknete na to sliko.

Ko vas vprašajo po odgovorih na vprašanja vpišite takole:

Q1. How many ways are there to obtain a full Microsoft® Windows® Desktop license?
Answer:: 2

Q2: Volume License Agreements cover Windows Desktop operating system upgrades only.
Answer: True

Q3: OEM operating system licenses are non-transferable.
Answer: True

Q4: The most cost-effective way to acquire an initial, full underlying Windows Desktop license is preinstalled.
Answer: True


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